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Iron Viz | Vaccine

Iron Viz | Vaccine

Each year, the Tableau Community comes together for “the world’s largest virtual data visualization competition” - Iron Viz. After a feeder competition with a specific topic, the top 3 entries prepare to go head-to-head on stage at Tableau Conference. This is often a highlight or the multi-day event for many people as the crowd screams in support, sous-vizzers provide feedback and commentary, and community and judges vote for the Iron Viz champion.

Photo from TC19 in Las Vegas, NV

Photo from TC19 in Las Vegas, NV

This year’s theme was health and wellness. For most people, deciding the topic is the hardest, most time consuming decision to get started. From there, designers must choose a story they want to tell. As the United States continues to combat COVID-19, most people are focused on one thing as a sign of hope: vaccinations. Unfortunately, due to lack of trust in the government and fear of a vaccine being pushed through even if trial results don’t warrant it, many people state they wouldn’t accept the injection.

This is not exactly a new thing. In pockets across the country, we have seen an increase in anti-vaxxers. This has been a subject that has always interested me with my background in biology/chemistry and interest in public health. I highly recommend podcasts such as The Anti-Anti-Vax-Vaccine from America Dissected and The Riser of Anti-Vaxxers from Science VS among others that touch on the subject. Needless to say, this was where I wanted to focus - but mostly on the benefits vaccines have brought to the world.

Below is my entry for Iron Viz. I’d like to give a shoutout to Jeffrey Shaffer for sharing his node-link tree diagram as this was the basis of my timeline.

Click to visit

Click to visit

I wanted to highlight a few main things:

  • benefits of vaccines and herd immunity (bubble chart actually demonstrates herd immunity threshold through interactivity)

  • requirements variability across the United States

  • anecdotes of just how contagious some of these diseases are

Hopefully trust in the government and, most importantly, science will rise and not let vaccines become victims of their own success. Please be sure to check the CDC and consult your physician for more detailed information.

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Dynamic Cascading Hierarchy

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